Project Oasis

Harare, and Zimbabwe as a whole,  is facing significant challenges with regards to the distribution of water, let alone clean water to most of its residents. Crippling shortages of foreign currency to purchase water treatment chemicals, coupled with antiquated infrastructure has severely affected the government’s ability to provide safe water to communities.  The intermittent power supply also impacts negatively on the provision of water..

This has affected most communities in Harare, resulting in limited options of accessing safe water for consumption and general household use, leading, in some instances to the prevalence of waterborne diseases like Cholera.

Project Oasis was conceived in response to the plight of most communities in accessing safe, clean water. The objective was to create a steady supply of clean water with 24hr water access. 

We therefore partnered with Puma Energy Zimbabwe to provide  intelligent water dispensing units (Water ATMs) that allow consumers to access water via a smart tag. The use of these smart tags allows for easy loading of credits and water dispensing.